About Jim Long
Jim Long created the Herbal Nail Fungus Soak® formula for himself over 20 years ago to cure his own cracking heel (a form of athlete’s foot). He gave his father some of the mixtures for his nail fungus, and was so impressed with his father’s results, he decided to use his formula to help others with that problem. Over the past 2 decades, he has seen his Herbal Nail Fungus Soak® formula relieve the problems of nail fungus, athlete’s foot and cracking heel for thousands of customers. Some have even tried it on the difficult fungus on horses hooves, with great results. Others have used it successfully on “hot spots” on dogs. Even elephants get nail fungus (a condition, if not treated, can cripple the elephant). Frieda, an elderly elephant at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, now has healthy nails, thanks to Jim’s formula!
Jim is a U.S.Air Force Veteran (1967-1971) and is proud to count a fellow Veteran from another era, as one of the thousands of happy customers. That man, who contracted nail fungus and “foot rot” while in the Philippines in World War II, used Jim’s formula and wrote wonderful words of gratitude, for finally being fungus free after 60 years of foot and nail problems. (You can read his testimonial on our Testimonials page).
Jim has written extensively for a variety of magazines and newspapers and has traveled worldwide, searching for interesting new herbs and vegetables.
You can follow Long Creek Herbs and Jim on Facebook.
To request information about Jim’s programs and workshops for your conference or organization, visit Jim’s Programs page.
Jim is a popular lecturer for plant groups, professional and state Master Gardener conferences and flower and garden shows. If you would like to host Jim for your conference or herbal event, contact him directly from the Contact us page.
Jim is a member of Garden Writers Association.